
Sock Invaders Store!

Created by Jonathan Paul

Awesome socks inspired by our favorite classic video games!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

200% Stretch Goal: Complete!
about 4 years ago – Wed, Apr 15, 2020 at 01:56:18 AM

Greetings my fellow gamers and sock fans. 


Welcome to new backers just discovering us for the first time. And wonderful news - we just surpassed 200% a day before the end of the campaign! So we now have 5 original designs, 2 stretch goals and an unplanned new Dr Mario design we're still working on, available to all backers!

Our two stretch goal winners: MK Blue and Nintendo Purple.

Thank you to everyone who backed and shared the project! Really great work. Sadly not really enough time to aim for another stretch goal, but just for the heck of it, we'll say the Black with yellow boxes design can be made if we hit £9000. It came second in the recent vote. 

New Dr. Mario Design

New Dr Mario 2020 design - still a work in progress. Let us know your thoughts.

As you can see, we're still working on the designs above and would love to know your thoughts on whether we should go with vertical pills, horizontal, both, or messy. Also considering the viruses on the foot or the leg. Aiming to also try different colors and welcome your suggestions. I'll ask you guys for your opinions once again and have more ideas to improve the design that aren't shown above.

Production Timeline

Just to let you know a rough timeline of what happens next:

15 April: project ends

29th April: Funds collected and passed on to us. Backerkit store and surveys can begin

9th May: Close the Backerkit store/surveys and start production.

7th June: Finish Production and send to fulfilment company.

10th June: Start shipping!

17-24th June: receive packages!!

Now, having said all that, I know from experience that nothing ever goes as smoothly as this. So i'll revise this if and when there's any delays. But this is the best case scenario we'll be aiming for.

Backerkit and Surveys

After the project ends, we should hopefully be using backerkit again. And through that service, you should be able to order any previous designs too. That's the plan anyway.

Final Thoughts

So thank you again guys, you've really given me the hope and belief to do these more than once a year and try new ideas. I wasn't sure if the last project represented a downward trend, but the feedback has been brilliant. Will try even harder next time. 

Wherever you are in the world, lets hope you're finally allowed out again soon! 



1 Week to go, BIG Update! Stretch Goals and more!
about 4 years ago – Sat, Apr 11, 2020 at 08:44:46 AM

Hey guys!

   How are you doing these days? Thanks again for your continued support for this 3rd Sock Invaders project - and welcome to those of you joining us for the first time. It seems this has become a bit of an annual tradition for a few game fans and I couldn't be more proud to serve you guys. A few big updates to report on below so please read.

   Firstly though, i must apologise for not being more active this time around. Like many of you, i've found this lock down/virus stuff really tough. I'm in Thailand and not much is open, no pool, no gym, just stuck in a small apartment like a lot of people, trying to stay sane. Fortunately TV and games have really helped. Really appreciate your game suggestions from the last update. 

Stretch Goal #1 

After a very close contest, the winner, with 22 votes, was C - the light blue ocean design! It was a very tight race however, with the desert design getting 16 and the road design getting 18. 

The winner with 22 votes!

Stretch Goal #2

I'm setting this one at £8000 (200% - we are at £6500 now) but we can make just one size in large if we get to £7500 - so it should still be possible. Once again, please vote (although only votes on this update count). I've put the previous 2 entries back in because it was such a close contest and seems ashame not to give them a second chance. C you may recall is the design from Sock Invaders 2 made by our guest artist - purple was her original design choice. Then we have 2 alternate colors to previous designs in there as well. Feel free to vote for multiple designs, i'll count them all equally. 

Please vote for your fav design, Votes close if/when we reach £8000.

 Change to the 6 pairs Early Bird Deal - please read!

Guys, this is the part i've been struggling to type for the last week and probably the big stumbling block to me updating the project. I made a big mistake offering an unlimited number of the early bird deal and leaving it up so long - i had no idea it would be so popular. And it turns out we just won't have enough of the old Dr Mario Medium size design to give out. This means making all new one's - which really adds to the cost and basically makes that entire pledge level financially a big problem. BUT... after much thinking, i've come up with some ways to hopefully make it as good, if not better - or atleast make up for it...

The current deal: 1 pair of each of the new main designs + 1 pair of the old Dr Mario socks (only in medium size) for £22.

The NEW Deal: Any 6 pairs you like - including multiples and/or stretch goals, in any mix of sizes... for £22. 

And for an additional £2 ($2.40 - less than cost price), you can add a brand new, custom made Dr Mario design after the project ends - updated and available in both sizes. It will feature Dr Mario himself. Plus we're working on adding the germs too this time. And if you have any ideas for how to make it commemorate this crazy time we're living through, please leave your suggestions in the comments below.  The new Dr mario will be available to all pledge levels, so you won't miss out if you chose 4 or 8 pairs. 

Once again, i'm so sorry i keep screwing up the early bird deals on these things. One day i'll finally nail it. I understand if anyone wants to cancel their pledge. It was a crazy deal that only made sense on the basis that we had previous stock to offer. Whether you're super pissed about this change, or super happy for the added flexibility and brand new design in both sizes - please let me know. I can handle it. 

Take care and thanks for all your support and feedback!

Your help is needed!

I will try to work harder this week to promote the project now it's coming to an end. But to reach the next stretch goal, it would be great if you could help spread the word by telling a friend or family member about the project. A simple Facebook, Instagram or Twitter share can go a long way. You can share the project easily from the main campaign page to whichever platform you use. 

Thanks very much, stay safe and have a great day! 


We did it! + Vote now on Stretch Goals!
about 4 years ago – Mon, Mar 30, 2020 at 10:50:36 AM

Hey folks!

We did it! 

Well, would you believe it? We got funded again! You guys are the absolute best. You spend a whole year waiting in anticipation to see how the next project will go and if it will even get funded, so I couldn't be happier to get these new designs made. Thank you so much for continuing to help us make new designs each year.  

Stretch Goal #1 - VOTE NOW!

So, the first stretch goal. Well, the overwhelming feedback so far is that it's all about Mario Kart this time around. And i have to agree with you. I've been wearing mine a lot and I think they're my fav socks ever! So with that in mind, here's 3 more in different colors to choose from. 

Please vote Now! A, B or C?

As you can see, before we went with a grass theme. This time, we have road, desert or sea. Please vote on this update for your fav design and whichever one is winning when we hit the next goal will get made. 

The next stretch goal is set for £6000 ($7800 / 6700 euros) so we're not far off now!

Game Recommendation

Since we're all stuck at home these days, I just wanted to recommend the game i'm currently obsessed with (again) - Plants VS Zombies! The GOTY edition is on Steam now for like $2 or something silly. And it's like hours and hours of fun. Wondering if i could get away with making a design based on it one day.

Click for the steam page - definitely not sponsored - just trying to be helpful)

What are you playing now? Let us know in the comments and have a lovely day. 
